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Farmer Robot

Electronic Design Laboratory | Fall 2018
Group Members: Kurt Sprague | Zack Cavanagh | Kyle Sherman

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Block Diagram

The receiver would send it's signal to the Arduino analog input pin, where it would then be processed and turn on the wheels accordingly. The robot could go forward or turn left or right. Additionally, the remote could control two servos. the front servo would raise or lower the soil sensor. This sensor was connected to the Arduino analog input as well. Based on the soil, one of three LED's would light up. Green is perfect, yellow is too damp, and red is too dry. The back servo was in place to plow dirt if necessary.

Farmer Robot: About

Soil Sensor Functionality

The video to the left shows the moisture level of my hand being read. In certain areas (like the palm) the moisture level was shown to be too damp indicated by the yellow LED.

Farmer Robot: About


The soil sensor is first deployed, then after it is raised the plow is deployed as it goes forward. This robot is remote controlled, and demonstrates turning toward the end of the video.

Farmer Robot: About
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